Am 17.01.2013 um 21:48 schrieb Zenlima
In my work I have standalone formulas and formulas inside a paragraph (see idea of module pararef). For standalone formulas the default settings are ok. But for the formuals inside the paragraphs I need to change the afer- and beforespaces. So I have to change the spaces before and after a formula often.
Unlucky \startformula[spacebefore=...,spaceafter=...] is not working. So I try to achieve it via the "big" setup function: \setupformulas[spacebefore=...,spaceafter=...] - not nice but it works (except that "strange" space \formulaparameter).
But now after that paragraph I want to reset the spaces of setupformulas. In the file strc-math.mkiv says that the spaces are defined like this: ... c!spacebefore=\v!big, \c!spaceafter=\formulaparameter\c!spacebefore, ... So I tried after \stopformula to reset the spaces with: \setupformulas[spacebefore=\v!big,spaceafter=\formulaparameter\c!spacebefore] and \setupformulas[spacebefore=\big,spaceafter=\formulaparameter\spacebefore] but both failed.
Is there any possibility to reset the spaces of setupformulas? And what kind of space is \formulaparameter?
\formulaparameter is a command to access the values of the keys for the \setupformula command, e.g. \formulaparameter{spacebefore} results in “big”. Wolfgang