Hi all, I have had trouble with metapost lately; mptopdf seems broken. Here are two small test files: rent.mp: ........................ input metafun; numeric u; u=15mm; beginfig(1); drawarrow (0,0)..(8u,0); draw (3u,-.2u)..(3u,.5u); label.bot(btex 0 etex, (3.2u,0)); endfig; end ....................... rent.tex: ....................... \starttext \externalfigure[/home/jean/graph/rent.1] \stoptext ....................... I run metapost on the first file and (nearly) everything seems all right; rent.1 is created and I can visualize it. ThenI run in order mkiv, mkii, texexec --dvi, and mptopdf: ** mkiv output: ERROR: Leaders not followed by proper glue. --- TeX said --- <to be read again> \normalhskip \forcecolorhack ->\leaders \hrule \normalhskip \zeropoint \dohandleobject ...hss }\fi \fi }}\forcecolorhack \box \scratchbox \endgroup l.3 ...ox{\getobject{FIG}{/home/jean/graph/rent.1} } --- HELP --- No help available ** mkii output: name: dummy file: rent state: unknown ** texexec --dvi output: OK ** 07:23 jean@boldair /home/jean/graph % mptopdf rent MPtoPDF 1.3.3 : no filename matches rent My context system from minimals is updated from tomorrow night (mptopdf was slightly different but failed anyway before thet update) Sorry if the question was already discussed here! -- jean -- Jean