7 Jan
7 Jan
8:59 a.m.
Hi folks, in March, there’ll be Linux Days in Chemnitz/Germany (Chemnitzer Linuxtage, https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2024/en/), an OSS fair. DANTE usually has a booth there, and this time I’ll help. I’d like to have a poster that shows off ConTeXt/MetaFun features. Do you have suggestions or (even better) would you like to create it? It would be nice to have for further events (last year I presented ConTeXt at FrOSCon and CCCamp and lacked a poster). In the following week and nearby, there’s Leipzig book fair (including Manga-Comic-Con), https://www.leipziger-buchmesse.de/ It’s always a great experience! Our little publishing house will have a booth again (full of books made with ConTeXt) – please visit me, if you come! Hraban