I tried myself to find information about letter in france.
It's an ugly one !
This one look good. Sometime you can see « Ville et date » (town and date) under « Coordonnées du recruteurs », like in the link under. But I just call my grand-father (94 years, from the time they learn how to write a letter in school) and he told me that the Place and Date are above !
See the « Place and Date » question above.
The sender should not be centered in the page.
Maybe small diffrence because the creator is from suisse ! But it's a « reference ».
Not realy intresting for us. Remaning question are alignment. What should be flushed left, right… The Latex extention create a center environment in the upper left. For me it looks ugly… I realy prefer it to be left fluched. Cheers, Olivier. -- [Message tapé sur un clavier Bépo : http://www.clavier-dvorak.org ] http://nemolivier.blogspot.com