13 Jun
13 Jun
1:18 p.m.
Am 13.06.2011 um 14:25 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 13.06.2011 um 14:12 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
say I have arbitrary string of alphanumeric characters:
How can I (automatically) force a break at end of line, without manually adding \crlf or \break at break points?
\handletokens ...\with{\hskip 0pt plus .1pt\firstofoneargument}
Yes, this helps: \showframe \define[1]\ThisHelps {\handletokens#1\with{\hskip 0pt plus .1pt\firstofoneargument}} Test text test text\ThisHelps {9769387937933hhgiuiuziuziduzid93739837fhieuhifeuhfeiu39739837938398zfhfdkuhfiufhz398739837r98z379dihhfiu} \stoptext Thank you!! Steffen