Dear all, with the help from Hans and some tweaking, installed a font called Dolly on my RedHat system. I've read some good advice on http://home.salamander.com/~wmcclain/context-help.html#newfont although uncommenting the line % \autoloadmapfilestrue in cont-sys.tex AND adding the new built-map to pdftex.cfg like this: % map +texnansi-uw-dolly.map will generate a lot of 'duplicate / ignored' messages. Is one of them better? The file texnansi-uw-dolly.tex gives a nice font-mapping, so everything seems to be installed just fine. There is still one mountain/hill to climb: I'm not able to use the font in my text. I created a type-dolly.tex file, and put it in my path. It looks like this: --- % % Underwear Dolly % \usetypescriptfile [type-buy] \loadmapfile [texnansi-uw-dolly.map] \starttypescript [serif] [dolly] [texnansi] \definefontsynonym [Dolly-Bold] [texnansi-DollyBol] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [Dolly-Italic] [texnansi-DollyIta] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [Dolly-Roman] [texnansi-DollyRom] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [Dolly-SmallCaps] [texnansi-DollySmaCap] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [Dolly-Ligatuur-Bold] [texnansi-DollyLigBol] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [Dolly-Ligatuur-Italic] [texnansi-DollyLigIta] [encoding=texnansi] \definefontsynonym [Dolly-Ligatuur-Roman] [texnansi-DollyLigRom] [encoding=texnansi] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif] [dolly] [name] \usetypescript [serif] [fallback] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Dolly-Roman] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Dolly-Bold] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Dolly-Italic] \definefontsynonym [SerifCaps] [Dolly-SmallCaps] \definefontsynonym [OldStyle] [Dolly-SmallCaps] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [Dolly] \definetypeface [Dolly] [rm] [serif] [dolly] [default] [enconding=texnansi] \stoptypescript --- Then I made a small test-file, like this: \usetypescriptfile[type-dolly] \usetypescript[Dolly] \setupbodyfont[Dolly] \starttext This is Dolly roman, {\it italic,} {\bf bold,} and {\bi bold-italic.} {\em \bf This is also bold-italic.} We have {\sc small caps} and old-style figures: {\os 0123456789}. \stoptext Then texexec --pdf test-file.tex complains bodyfont : unknown variant Dolly Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong? I'm running pdfetex 3.14159-14h-released-20010417-2.1 (Web2C on a RedHat 8.0 Linux system. Thanks for your time & help, Roef Ragas