On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 22:25:52 +0200
"Jan U. Hasecke"
On 21.09.18 16:56, Marco Patzer wrote:
A while ago I made a corporate flyer with context using the TRYPTICHON method. Printing required 3mm bleed.
Thanks a lot for this template. This is exactly what I need.
I try to understand it in order to adapt it to the requirements of my print shop which only needs a bleed of 1mm.
I hope that I understand it right:
Page 1,2,3 and 6 are 100mm
Page 4 and 5 are 97mm as these are the pages that are folded to the inside.
The measure "shortfold" (3mm) reduces the 100mm page to 97mm. Right?
The pageshift thing is beyond my horizon so I won't comment on this.
Without the pageshift, the pages don't touch because of different page sizes. Just comment out \setuppageshift and check the result.
You adjust the backspace of the pages with multiples of the measure "big". Right?
Multiples of measure “small”, but yes. That's general page layout, nothing to do with unequal pages or bleed.
As you can see in my example I use layers on page 2-4 to have bleeding images on the top of the page. This works more or less.
But as you can see there are blank white spaces between the images of page 2-4. Maybe I can adjust this by using absolut measures like 100mm or 97mm in the layers.
Your dimensions were wrong, try: \setlayer[topic1] [x=-1mm, y=-1mm] {\externalfigure[../bilder/topic1.png][width=101mm]}
I have to adjust the layout of pages 2-4 so that the text starts below the images.
For background images layers are probably the right tool. For the other images I used \startplacefigure … \stopplacefigure. Then context takes care of the rest.
An now here is my question. Is there a value I can simply change to have a pdf with only 1mm bleed?
No, I used the fact that bleed = shortfold = 3mm. The was of course not very generic. You should create a new variable: \definemeasure [bleed] [1mm] Then set \definepageshift [flyer] [vertical] [\measure{bleed}] And adjust the horizontal page shift accordingly. That part is a bit messy in my example. The variables are wrong, but the result was correct. If it's a one-off thing, you could just use absolute values: \definepageshift [flyer] [horizontal] [-2mm, 1mm, 1mm, 6.8mm, 1mm, -2mm] In general it shouldn't be too hard to create two variables, “bleed” and “shortfold” and make the rest dependent on those two. But this didn't work for page shift when I tried. Probably because I didn't really grasp how pageshift works. Marco