On Sun, 29 Sep 2013 18:22:02 +0300
Mari Voipio
Inspired by some informal discussions at the recent ConTeXt meeting I started to write a *really* basic ConTeXt tutorial. However, before I get further than the first six chapters, I'd like to get feedback on it, especially on the content, but also on the layout. The file is (at least temporarily) available at http://www.lucet.fi/pdfs/ctxbasics.pdf.
I know already that there are a few things missing in the existing chapters, but I'd like to know if the document is any good and if the style is suitable for such a document. I've planned and written it out of my own experiences with ConTeXt, so maybe this document could become a My Way doc when it is finished (something public domain anyway).
Thank you,
Thus far you have a good effort. I would add at an early point the command: \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided,location=] or similar. Most documents like books etc. are printed double sided. And page numbering is generally handled in the header. It is not obvious to newbies that double sided format is set up by a page numbering command. -- John Culleton Wexford Press Free list of books for self-publishers: http://wexfordpress.net/shortlist.html PDF e-book: "Create Book Covers with Scribus" available at http://www.booklocker.com/books/4055.html