Aditya Mahajan
DejaVu They typescripts were modified from Wolfgang's typescripts.
Do you use a different font for Math in your typescript. Or, have not bothered with the math font because there is no math in the manual. I printed some stuff with Wolfgang's script and find that computer modern does not seem to go as well with dejavu. Then I replaced the line \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [mm] [math] [modern] [default] with \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [mm] [math] [palatino] [default] knowing that palatino has math support. The math with this change to palatino seems to go better with dejavu text for the simple math that I had (no complicated symbols). Can someone please tell me if this is the only change I need to make to Wolfgang's script, if I want to use palatino for math (with all the symbols and such) in dejavu. Thanks.