Thanks Wolfgang
for the willingness! I'm sorry, but after re-generation format context
always has an error (see below). I guess I'll wait for the subsequent
official correction. Fortunately in TeX Live version of MKIV works as it
Thanks again.
Jaroslav Hajtmar
I do not know if will help this extract:
C:\$~1da\ConTeXt\Diplomova_prace-Hanca>ctx dphk
C:\$~1da\ConTeXt\Diplomova_prace-Hanca>context --autopdf dphk
mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="C:/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/c
.lui" --backend="pdf" "./dphk" \stoptext
This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.70.1-2012021116 (rev 4277)
\write18 enabled.
jobcontrol > version mismatch with jobfile: 1.14 <> 1.18
ConTeXt ver: 2012.02.21 14:02 MKIV fmt: 2012.2.24 int: english/english
system > cont-new.mkiv loaded
system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv
system > dphk.top loaded
fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded
languages > language en is active
fonts > preloading latin modern fonts (second stage)
fonts > typescripts > unknown: library 'loc'
fonts > virtual math > unable to resolve name mapsfromchar
fonts > fallback modern rm 12pt is loaded
colors > rgb color space is not supported
colors > cmyk color space is not supported
resolvers > modules > not found: 't-bib'
resolvers > modules > not found: 't-bibltx'
resolvers > modules > loaded: 'chemic'
ppchtex > not loaded as support for chemistry in now built in
resolvers > modules > loaded: 'units'
mf-context/tex/context/base/x-mathml.lua>) (_dpobrazky.tex
publications > loading database from dphk.bbl
(dphk.bbl)) (_dptabulky.tex) (_dpprilohy.tex)
fonts > virtual math > the mapping is incomplete for 'txmath' at 7pt
publications > wrote a new auxiliary file \jobname.aux
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (Web2C 2011)
The top-level auxiliary file: dphk.aux
The style file: cont-no.bst
Database file #1: dphk.bib
publications > loading formatting style from bibl-ams
structures > begin of sectionblock frontpart
backend > xmp > using file 'C:/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/bas
pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1
) (_dpprohlaseni.tex
structure > sectioning > Ikapn @ level 2 : 0.0 ->
pages > flushing realpage 2, userpage 1
Am 25.02.2012 um 18:55 schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Thanx Wolfgang for your help. I made changes according to your instructions, but it does not work still. I can not even translate the example of what I sent last time to the mailing list. It is needed in addition to changes in the shove-lst.mkvi do something (eg any context database files refresh, etc. .. what I know)?
When you type “context --expert --touch” context will regenerate the format file when you process your document.