Am 06.03.2012 um 02:28 schrieb Kip Warner:
Hey list,
For the first time in several months, today's nightly build actually managed to digest my book without crashing or bailing. I'm using 2012.03.05.
There is one thing I noticed though and that is all of my footnotes are now invisible. The number next to them is visible, but the text itself is black on black (my page colour is black).
I am preparing my footnotes as such: \definecolor[colour_page][r=0,g=0,b=0] \definecolor[colour_text][r=0.754,g=0.516,b=0.324] \definecolor[colour_footnote_background][colour_page] \definecolor[colour_footnote_text][colour_text]
\setupfootnotes [color=colour_footnote_text, backgroundcolor=colour_footnote_background]
This was working in previous builds, but it could be someone changed the method to alter the footnote text's color.
The style, color etc. of the footnote text can be changed with the \setupnotation (in older versions \setupnotedefinition) command, the \setupnote (or \setupfootnotes) command controls only general settings like the rule or the space before the footnote block and the style and color of the number in the running text. Wolfgang