On 2013–10–10 Xan wrote:
with this code:
% Paràbola amb Focus = (0,0.25) i Directriu (x,-0.25) \placefigure[here] [taula:construcció-paràbola-1] {Paràbola amb directriu $r$ i focus $F$} {\framed[frame=off]{ \starttikzpicture[domain=(-1):1, scale=4, smooth,decoration={ markings,% switch on markings mark=% actually add a mark between positions 0 and 1 step 0.5 with { \draw[color=gray] (0,-2pt) -- (0,2pt); } }] \coordinate (F) at (0,0.25); \draw[very thick] (-2.2,-0.25) -- (2.2,-0.25) node[right] {$r$}; \draw[color=blue, very thick] plot (\x,{(\x)^2});
\foreach \x in {1,0.5,0.75} { \draw[very thick,color=green, loosely dashed,postaction={decorate}] (\x, -0.25) -- (\x , {(\x)^2}); \draw[very thick,color=green, loosely dashed,postaction={decorate}] (\x , {(\x)^2}) -- (F); } \filldraw[color=red] (F) circle (0.5pt); \draw (F) node[anchor=north] {$F$}; \stoptikzpicture}}
this happens when I updated to the latest version: $ sh ./first-setup.sh --context=beta --modules=all --engine=luatex
What happens there?
Hard to tell. Please provide a minimal example next time. I tried to condense your example, but I'm getting a different error than you do. Maybe I deleted too much or my syntax is invalid. I don't really know TikZ. \usemodule [tikz] \usetikzlibrary [decorations] \starttext \starttikzpicture [decoration={ mark= between positions 0 and 1 step 0.5 with { \draw (0,-2pt) -- (0,2pt);}}] \draw node {foo}; \stoptikzpicture \stoptext Marco