Am 20.05.2013 um 21:28 schrieb Keith J. Schultz
Hi Everybody,
I am trying to develop a module for writing Nassi-Schneidermann-Diagrams.
I thought I would use framed and metafun. But, I have run into, for me at least, strange behaviour. I have given MWE and attach the result and a second file which is required.
What I do not understand is why the first line after \MyBoxit is "indented" (see source and result below).
The second is why when I nest \MyBoxit do I get extra vertical space?
Yes, I have found a work around, as I was preparing this mail. Notice, the use of location! What I would want is to leave "location=top" in the setup.
I suggest to read chapter 8 in Einführung in TeX [1], a german book about plain TeX because basic knowledge about boxes can help a lot in your case. [1] http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/www-rz/schwanbs/TeX/ Wolfgang