On Sat, 2012-04-14 at 05:51 +0200, Jaroslav Hajtmar wrote:
Hi Kip ... I had a similar problem with a bibliography. Supervisor of thesis wants to have a bibliography in a specific format (sorted AMS like) in which it can not produce the ConTeXt.
Hey Jaroslav. No surprise =(
Maybe this is just because I am a bit stupid and I could not correct the bibliography in ConTeXt and run something similar to what I wanted none of the conference met, so no one could help me. I finally after many hours of experiments on all bibliography resigned and I made myself a simple tool for typesetting bibliographies. But it is only a virtue of necessity and bibliography entries I we entered all on the line (ie, exactly how it should look in the list of bibliography), ie. I do that without specifying a style author = someone, title = foo, etc.
I'm very close to doing something similar. I wish the wiki had been more clear that ConTeXt's bibliography module is not really ready for professional use.
That is to say that if you do not need to have the bibliography in the format in which we would expect from BibTeX, so I suggest to do it my way (I mean the format of bibliographic entries in text, sorting items, etc..) All of this can be done in Lua. In printed form, nobody will know that this is actually done "manually" without "BibTeX" ... Originally I thought that I can not do, but eventually everything turned out well. It is true that the bibliographic citations in the work is not so much (about a hundred).
Thanks for your feedback Jaroslav. I'm sure you'll have a suggestion or two after you see the mess I am having to deal with in the book I am working on. =) -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com