Am 31.05.2012 um 11:46 schrieb Jan Pohanka:
Great, thank you. Anyway what is the purpose of the \setff macro?
In MkIV you have tell which features of a font (e.g. ligatures or kerning) have to enabled, this is done in two steps. 1. You define a list with the features you want, e.g. \definefontfeature[myfeatures][liga=yes,kern=yes] which activates ligatures and kerning. 2. You apply this list to a font, normally this is done in the typescripts, e.g. \definetypeface[mainface][rm][serif][palatino][default][features=myfeatures] Sometimes it is necessary to add additional features or to switch a different feature list *in* the document. To do this context provides the commands \addfontfeature and \setfontfeature which can be also called in the two shorter commands \addff and \setff. In the \definehighlight command I enabled the predefined “none” list where ligatures and kerning is disabled to prevent that -- results in –. Wolfgang