Hello all... I am converting any manual from HTML to ConTeXt. There are a lot of programm code. and in the code is very often % character. Ther is no problem in \startyping - \stoptyping environment, but I need using this in text ... for example The sequence \type{%0} stands for the whole match. The sequence \type{%%} stands for a single~\type{%}. or For instance, the call \type{string.format('%q', 'a string with "quotes" and \n new line')} will produce the string: ... etc.. 1. It is clear that this can not work, but is there any satisfactory solution?? Something like \startypingintext ... \stoptypingintext i.e. intext typing environment.. 2. in html code is often emphasis found inside the program code for example: <code>\<em>ddd</em></code>, Maybe it's a dumb question, but may be inside emphasis inside verbatim (\startyping - \stoptyping) environment?? Thanx Jaroslav