On Thu, 10 Apr 2003 09:21:42 -0600
Idris S Hamid
Aside: Maybe there is way to make a single cover in ConTeXt instead of combining three pdfs in Acrobat (which is a pain). I'd be happy to learn:-)
I can't help with distiller, but I create my covers in ConTeXt by making three pdf documents and combining them like so: \useexternalfigure[back][cover-back][type=pdf] \useexternalfigure[spine][cover-spine][type=pdf] \useexternalfigure[front][cover-front][type=pdf] \definepapersize[Cover][height=7.75in, width=10.625in] \setuppapersize[Cover][Cover] \setuplayout[topspace=0in, header=0in, footer=0in] \setuplayout[backspace=0in] \starttext \hbox to 10.625in{% {\externalfigure[back]}% {\externalfigure[spine]}% {\externalfigure[front]}% } \stoptext The dimensions depend on the book, of course. You could do the same thing with layers and direct x-y positioning, as shown on my help page. I'm sure this could all be done in one document, but I find it convenient to treat each of the back-spine-front as separate panels. -Bill -- Sattre Press The King in Yellow http://sattre-press.com/ by Robert W. Chambers info@sattre-press.com http://kiy.sattre-press.com/