On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Lars Huttar wrote:
Hi all, I'm following the instructions at http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Installing_a_TrueType_font,_step_by_step because I want to install a TTF (Gentium in fact) for ConTeXt to use.
Please note that: - the top of the page says "NOTE: The contents of this page are OLD /.../" - nobody in the ConTeXt community bothers about MKII (pdfTeX) any longer - texfont.pl has always been a bit problematic and is definitely not really maintained any longer - you can find Gentium at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/gentium-tug (also in TeX Live and in the ConTeXt distribution) - Gentium works out-of-the-box in ConTeXt (see the documentation of gentium-tug)
This is under TeX Live 2013, the context scheme, and I've been using ConTeXt mkiv.
So why bother about pdfTeX? The "conversion" is/was only ever needed for MKII. In MKIV all fonts work out of the box. Other than what the package provides, Wolfgang Schuster's new additions (is there any link to point the users to?) make that even easier for users. It's probably easiest to use the package now, but even if the package wasn't provided, setting up the font in MKIV is relatively straightforward without the need for any conversions of any kind.
I can't find ttf2afm anywhere. Is it part of pdfTex? Do I have to have the pdftex scheme installed in order to install True-type fonts?
It's part of ttfutils, collection-fontutils. You cannot install an additional scheme in TeX Live (or at least I think so, I'm not 100% sure), but you can install an additional package or collection. But really ... you don't need that program just for the sake of using Gentium. Mojca