Hi again,
The .otf file is from: https://github.com/MorbZ/OpenSansEmoji
That’s 9 years old. The linked resources were updated later and are still outdated. There must be a better Emoji font out there?
You would think so. I haven't found any that are free for personal/commercial, open-source, black & white, and work with ConTeXt. Here's one list of various fonts: https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/a/117696/4902 The Noto Color Emoji font includes Noto B&W Emojis: https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji/raw/main/fonts/NotoColorEmoji.ttf But it seems the Unicode glyphs and Latin glyphs won't appear at the same time. (Each glyph would have to be wrapped in its own font macro. Open Sans Emoji has glyphs that are a bit more print-friendly and supports both Latin and Emoji glyphs.) Thanks for taking a look.