Good morning. I'd like to ask a little off-topic questions but closely related to ConTeXt. I'm sorry I bother you with this, but I need it. My interest is not purely academic. I'd like to prepare fully interactive documents for my students to work with at home and prepare to my classes. My questions are like this: Theoretically, PDF can contain sound, movie, and JavaScript. 1) In practise, the movie plugin I have found only in the Acrobat Reader 5.x under Windoze; in Linux and in Adobe Reader 6.0 under Windoze it was not present. Can I download it somewhere? 2) What are limits of QuickTime JPeg in the PDF? It worked with a movie included in the QuickTime viewer under Windoze, but not with a movie from my digital camera (Olympus C730UZ). How can I convert it (for free)? 3) How can I include sounds to my PDF? Does it work with all Readers under all platforms, or not? What do I need to install? 4) Some JavaScripts work only under Windoze, not under Linux. Why? How can I fix that? Mr. Hagen's clock example, and Mr. Gundlach euro-anim example are just two cases. 5) Does Adobe still support Linux? There is a reader version 6.0 for Windoze, but only 5.0.9 for Linux. 6) If I want to learn how to use JavaScript in the ConTeXt, what Adobe document should I read first? Is somewhere explained to integrate it in the ConTeXt (more that the widgets manual)? Many thanks for any hint. I apologize one more for this slightly off-topic questions. M.K.