Hi Burak, I almost used any font from ubuntu, Microsoft, and Mac, but the problem is the same for all of them. As an example please see http://www.omidali.com/test.rar in which I have included the source file and the output. I have used 3 different fonts, namely, Arabic Transparent and Time New Roman from windows, and SimplifiedNaskh which I found in a thread by Idris. Thanks.
Hi Mehdi,
what font are you using? Have you tried with a different font?
On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 1:13 AM, Mehdi Omidali
I use context+luatex to write farsi texts. A problem that I have been faced is that some characters (those that are in farsi and not in arabic like "Gaf", "Kaf", "Ya" and "Che") are shown only in isolated form. How can I solve this problem. I use ubuntu and latest context and luatex. Thanks