On Wed, 08 Aug 2012 15:19:22 +0200
"Martin 'golodhrim' Scholz"
Hi Willi,
I used vim/gvim in the past and switched to emacs. I write all my stuff with ConTeXt and with some tweaking of the commands you can also make mkiv run inside of emacs.
Using Gvim I have two ways to make context run inside the editor: <esc>:!context book.tex and for the next iteration: <esc>:<uparrow><return> (It may take several uparrows depending on how many colon commands have intervened) That's the simple way. The harder way up front is to set up an F key to automatically process this string: context book.tex This is a bit of a bear to set up in .vimrc, but a single keystroke is much faster in production. I also have an F key for pdftex, one for acroread and one for justifying all the paragraphs ragged right. Set once, use forever. -- John Culleton Free list of books for self-publishers: http://wexfordpress.net/shortlist.html Police Procedural and Expose: "Death Wore Black" "Create Book Covers with Scribus" http://www.booklocker.com/books/4055.html