18 Jan
18 Jan
12:21 p.m.
! Misplaced \noalign. \TABLEnoalign ->\noalign
Right, it's in the beta isn't it? I already corrected this and will upload a new beta today (with the nomarking thing etc)
Yes, that's the case!
go into core-tbl.tex and remove the \unexpanded before \def \HL
After withdrawing the \unexpanded and remaking the format ... This does not help. I tried to withdraw the command from more lines ( :-],noughty boy) but with no result.
it's a pitty that tex is so sensitive for this align thing, since now i cannot use the \HL in an \expanded which is handy for xml
Hm, this is to 'high' for my knowlegde.... Groet Willi