Hi John, Maybe playing with something like what follows will help: %%%%%%%%%%%% begin tilted-framed.tex \starttext \placeintermezzo[right,none]{} \rotate[rotation=-10]{\startframedtext[width=3in] \midaligned{\bf RECIPE FOR SUCCESS} ------------------------------------------------\par \noindent \input knuth.tex \stopframedtext} \input knuth.tex \input knuth.tex \input knuth.tex \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%% end tilted-framed.tex Best regards: OK
On 25 Mar 2015, at 22:36, John Culleton
wrote: \starttext \setupframed[background=screen,framecorner=rectangular,backgroundscreen=0.70] \placeintermezzo[right,none]{} \startframedtext[width=3in]
\centerline {\bf RECIPE FOR SUCCESS} ------------------------------------------------ \noindent
\input knuth.tex \stopframedtext \input knuth.tex \input knuth.tex \input knuth.tex
\stoptext ------------------------------ I know I am supposed to use \rotate but I can't figure out how to rotate an intermezzo.
Please help!
John Culleton