Am 18.04.2013 um 19:57 schrieb Alan Bowen
I need a list structure that can be numbered in different ways as the occasion warrants.
In this case, I need: 1. text 2. text 2.1. text 2.2. text Text Text A. text B. text
The problem seem to be in turning off the cumulation of numbers in the last entries (fourth level).
\defineitemgroup[MyList] \setupitemgroup[MyList][1][broad,joinedup,packed,autointro] [itemalign=flushright,left={},right={},stopper={.},margin=3pc]
\setupitemgroup[MyList][2][broad,joinedup,packed,autointro] [itemalign=flushright,left={},right={},stopper={.}]
\setupitemgroup[MyList][3][broad,joinedup,packed,autointro] [itemalign=flushright,left={},right={},stopper={.}]
\setupitemgroup[MyList][4][broad,joinedup,packed,autointro] [itemalign=flushright,left={},right={},stopper={.}]
\startMyList[n,repeat] \item First level text \item First level text \startMyList[n,repeat] \item Second level text \item Second level text \startMyList[symbol={}] \item Third level text \item Third level text \startMyList[A] %<===== % \startMyList[A,prefix=no] %<===== \item Fourth level text \item Fourth level text \stopitemize \stopitemize \stopitemize \stopitemize
With \startMyList[A], I get 2.2.2.A. Fourth level text 2.2.2.B. Fourth level text With \startMyList[A,prefix=no], I get
You can’t put keywords and assignments in the same argument. You need two arguments where one holds the keywords and the other the assignments: \startMyList[A][prefix=no] Wolfgang