Am 14.10.2016 um 14:16 schrieb luigi scarso:
On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Peter Rolf
wrote: Sigh.. I had high hopes on this one. Would be nice to have a free and working (in this combination) validator. I'll make some tests over the weekend and contact the author(s). No bug report, no fix.
I have not said that it's wrong, only that it fails to validate the pdf..the validator could be ok infact.
True, that conclusion comes from my side. I'm pretty sure that all needed XMP entries are properly set, so chances are high, that the error is on their side. But we will (hopefully) see. Also: If Acrobat isn't right, what tools are left for validation?
Btw, as I can see from http://www.pdfa.org/2016/08/slide-decks-and-video-recordings-of-the-pdf-days... it seems that there is a bit of depression in validating pdf/a files ....
Interesting, but better don't dig too deep... :D