Taco Hoekwater wrote:
It does not seem to work here :-(
It redefines the bbl loader, so inlined \startpublication blocks will not work. It should work if your publications are in the bbl file.
OK. That works for my minimal example, though I have to postprocess the *.bbl file as BibTeX converts "longline" into long% line which of cause gives the wrong result here. I use perl for this, which seems to work just fine and has, as I believe, no side effects: $line =~ s/%\n//sg; However, it fails with my big file (see attachment for a reduced example). If I simply include the file without using \environment etc., it works. Any idea?
Not too hard, if you don't mind editting the bib / bbl a bit; making it truly automatic and still configurable would be hard. Example attached.
Now it works well. Thanks.
* * * I have another tricky question related to t-bib: I want to use in the text references of the type [1-2], [3] and at the end of each chapter I do a \placepublication[criterium=chapter], however, at the very end I want to have a full authorlist ordered by authoryears (with the page numbers). Well, I failed to switch to authornames -- I always get a numbered list at the end. Tobias