I've been playing with Taco's bibmodule, and I'm absolutely thrilled how easy it is to customize things. Once you've groked how things work, you can simply copy code from bibl-apa.tex and modify, it's just wonderful (OT: what does "apa" stand for in this abbreviation? For me, it's the American Philological Association, but I guess that's not meant here.) I even managed to typeset the numbers of my bibliography flushright in a \hbox and was very proud of myself. Two small questions remain: 1. Is there a general option to have the publicationlist typeset in a smaller font size? The default seems to be the general bodyfont, but I couldn't see where this could be modified. 2. The space between the items does not follow the normal interlinespace, but is fixed to a somewhat smaller value, which looks a bit bizarre. Is there any way to modify this behavior. But these are just cosmetic flaws, overall, the module works wonderfully. Very impressive! Best Thomas