Hello my wise masters of the Force and teachers of Jedi... It seems that my first module (SCANCSV of scancsv.lua library of CTM in Brejlov) work without any visible errors (without documentation and with a junkyard yet), but I'm not sure whether is there a hidden problem or future collisions. Therefore I have a few of questions for modules namespaces, luacode namespaces etc. I want to ask how relates a namespace ConTeXt module with namespace of Lua code, which is listed within this module and others questions. 1. Is the namespace of Lua code independent of the namespace module? 2. If are ConTeXt macros defined in the module, are automatically in its namespace? 3. Can both namespaces (module and Luacode) somehow connected? 4. What happens when I have two macros with the same name in two different modules? 5. Can I call the macros of the same names in different namespaces (diferent modules)? 6. Can I read about somewhere more? 7. I enclose below a minimal example of the module (I do not know why there are some things) to comment or write yours comments and suggestions, etc. I'd like to start with something simpler, but this is the reality of our Empire.... Thanks everyone for the advice or recommendations for the study. Greetings Jarda Hajtmar My minimal example .. % ************************** BEGIN MODULE ****************************************** %D \module %D [ file=t-moduleexample, %D version=2010.09.27, %D title=\CONTEXT\ User Module, %D subtitle=Module example, %D author=Author Name, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=Copyright, %D email=mailaddress@domain.com, %D license=Public Domain] %D \section{Title} %D This is modul is intended for ... %D The following option are availabe: %D %S B %S Everything onwards is %S skipped and does not %S appear in the PDF. %S E \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt User Module / Module example} \unprotect \startinterface all \setinterfacevariable {moduleexample} {moduleexample} \stopinterface \definenamespace [moduleexample] [type=module, comment=Module example, version=1, name=moduleexample, style=yes, command=yes, setup=list, parent=moduleexample] \startluacode thirddata = thirddata or { } thirddata.moduleexample = { gVar1='xxxx', -- comment gVar2='yyyyy', -- comment -- etc... } function thirddata.moduleexample.myfirstfunction(parameter) local locvar=parameter tex.print("Input parameter : "..locvar) thirddata.moduleexample.gVar1=locvar return locvar end function thirddata.moduleexample.mysecondfunction() tex.print("Output parameter: "..thirddata.moduleexample.gVar1) end \stopluacode \def\myfirstmodulemacro#1{\ctxlua{thirddata.moduleexample.myfirstfunction("#1")}} \def\mysecondmodulemacro{\ctxlua{thirddata.moduleexample.mysecondfunction()}} \protect \endinput % ************************** END MODULE ****************************************** % ************************** BEGIN USING MODULE ****************************************** \usemodule[t-moduleexample] \starttext \myfirstmodulemacro{Hello World!} \mysecondmodulemacro \stoptext % ************************** END USING MODULE ******************************************