On Fri, 12 Feb 2016 23:36:47 +0100
"Thomas A. Schmitz"
for my next presentation style, I would like to have a list of topics with the current topic highlighted. There are already two styles in simpleslides doing this, but this time, I'd like the list to be horizontal, at the bottom of the slide. Is there already a listalternative for this?
I did something similar for a few presentations and wrote a small module: https://github.com/mpfusion/context-slide
Or is it not too complex to have a \definelistalternative do this? Or would it be easier not to rely on the list mechanism but code something from scratch?
\definelistalternative is suitable for that, have a look at the code: https://github.com/mpfusion/context-slide/blob/master/t-slide.mkvi#L285-L317 In that style the navigation bar is at the top. You can easily move the layer to the bottom with \setuplayer [layer:toc:section] [y=\dimexpr\paperheight-6\exheight\relax] Marco