Hi, I do not have a clean solution (I'm not sure there is one), but you might get away with using \title instead of \chapter (\title does not create a toc entry) and writing to the contents list yourself: \writetolist[chapter]{<number>}{<text>} perhaps you need 'hoofdstuk' instead of 'chapter', you can check that in the current tui file. On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 03:39:40 , ciro wrote:
I missed one important "not" in my message: It should read: "I use a font for \chapter that does *not* print u-diaeresis with \"u. ....
wrote: I use a font for \chapter that does print u-diearesis with \"u. Then I decided to write a small definition \udotdot that uses \char200 to print the diaeresis on top of the letter u. The problem now is that in my table of contents, the font is different, and the \char200 has a different meaning. How do I resolve this problem? thank you Ciro
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-- groeten, Taco