There is a difference of behaviour in \xmlfilter between (1) \xmlfilter{#1}{node/command(xmlsetup)} and (2) \xmlfilter{#1}{*/command(xmlsetup)} (3) \xmlfilter{#1}{*/*/command(xmlsetup)} In case (1) the lpath ‘node’ results in processing of the <wildcard> nodes in all child nodes. In case (2) and (3) no more than the corresponding level is searched. Thus there is a difference in behaviour between node and * as an lpath. Very unfortunate for me, because I need to process all nodes regardless of theeir node name, but selected on the basis of an attribute: \xmlfilter{#1}{*[@attribute==“yes”]. The difference in behaviour makes this impossible, because a general proceudre is impossible and doing a search with * and */* and */*/* etc. always will be one level too short, I expect. Is this intended behaviour, and if so, is there a general solution? dr. Hans van der Meer