3 Aug
3 Aug
9:52 a.m.
I am converting my CV to ConTeXt. Simplified I have the folowing in it: \startfiguretext[right]{none}{\externalfigure[graphics/pasfotoKlein]} \startalignment[center] E-mail: cecil@decebal.nl Woonplaats: Werkhoven Geboren: 15 april 1963 te Belleville Ontario (Can.) Nationaliteit: Nederlandse, tevens Canadese Geslacht: Man Burgerlijke staat: ongehuwd LinkedIn profiel: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof \stopalignment \stopfiguretext This centers the text on the space leftover after placing my photo. But I would like the text to be centered on the width of the page, without taking into consideration the space the photo takes up. How would I do that? -- Cecil Westerhof