Hello list, I need some adjustments to my TOC and chapter titles. 1. The title and the title of every chapter need to be indented (leaving enough room 2. The title of part does not need to be indented, but uses two consecutive lines, preceded and followed with a blank line, as follows DEEL <part number> <part title> 3. Chapter entries are on consecutive lines, except that between the first and second, and before the last chapter entry there is a blank line. (I use "\setuplist[chapter][before=]" and tried to use "\writebetweenlist[content]{\blank}" at the specified locations to get blank lines there, but this didn't work) 4. The part number needs to be capital roman numbers, and titles of chapters are preceded with the capital roman part number. (The option "conversion=Romannumerals" in "\setuphead[part]" doesn't seem to work) 5. There are 2 parts, part 1 with 5 chapters, part 2 with 4 chapters. Chapter numbering of part 1 only starts with 0 instead of 1. (I use currently the "ownnumber" option of \startchapter for all chapters of part 1, but is there a more simple or elegant option for this, just setting the chapter number 0 directly after part 1 starts or so?) Greetings, Rob The code I use now, is below: \setupheadtext[content=INHOUDSOPGAVE] % Kop boven de inhoudsopgave \setuphead[title][align=flushleft] \definecombinedlist[content][part,chapter] % welke structuur-elementen in de inhoudsopgave komen \setupcombinedlist[content][level=2, alternative=b] \setuphead[part][placehead=no,bodypartlabel=Deel,conversion=Romannumerals] \setuphead[chapter][page=right,indentnext=yes,align={nothyphenated},style=\bf,after={\blank[2cm]},sectionsegments=part:chapter] \setuphead[section][style=\bf,indentnext=yes,sectionsegments=chapter:section,align={nothyphenated}] \setuphead[subject][indentnext=yes,style=\tf] \define[3]\PartListEntry{ \vbox{DEEL #1\crlf #2} } \setuplist[part][state=start,headnumber=no,pagenumber=no,alternative=command,command=\PartListEntry] \setuplist[chapter][before=]