Dne 8.6.2010 8:51, Taco Hoekwater napsal(a):
Hi Jaroslav,
Jaroslav Hajtmar wrote:
Hi, When I want to write in LuaLaTeX by "tex.print" command some text string
I do not want to sound unfriendly, but this is a ConTeXt mailing list, not a LuaLaTeX mailing list. It would be better if you would direct lualuatex questions to the general luatex list
OK. I apologize and I accept your admonition :-). LuaLaTeX I do not use. I modify only my ConTeXt application to run under the LuaLaTeX.
that is defined in an external lua-file, so <crlf> characters in LuaLaTeX appear as the Greek letter "omega". The Greek letter omega has in the font CM code 0x0A, which is a line feed. It seems that the end of the line is interpreted not as the end of the line, but a letter.
Exactly. lua input files are much more sane than tex files: if you write a newline, you get a newline. The Omega is a side-effect of the font you use.
When I define a text string directly in the source file, everything is OK. Please do not know how to solve this problem?
postprocess the string with string.gsub.
It occurred to me, I try to modify the string to suggest Thanks for the quick reply and advice Jaroslav
Best wishes, Taco