On Wed, 9 Apr 2003 17:04:48 -0400
"Bruce D'Arcus"
On Wednesday, April 9, 2003, at 04:36 PM, Bill McClain wrote:
I wasn't aware of that! It looks pretty good, except that the font files have to reworked into the Berry naming scheme. I've been ignoring 8-character name requirements and am still alive. I don't know why this convention is still used in the TeX world. Even MS has supprted long file names for years now.
Yeah, the author of the script (Philipp Lehman) was involved in a discussion on the TeX fonts list about creating a next-generation font naming/installation scheme that would fix these issues.
The main problems of the Karl-Berry-scheme are the keys for the supplier and the font-name. All other keys of the scheme are IMO ok and useful. Therefore i use for fonts that have no keys in the fontname files (TeXLive/texmf/doc/fontname/fontname.pdf) long names for supplier and font-name. For example my last installed font was Scriptina by HardcoverMedia. I renamed the font file to hardcovermedia-scriptina-r8a.pfb|afm and installed it with the following fontinst driver: %%%% \input fontinst.sty \substitutesilent{bx}{b} \substitutesilent{b}{m} \substitutesilent{sc}{n} \substitutesilent{sl}{n} \substitutesilent{it}{n} \transformfont% {hardcovermedia-scriptina-r8r} {\reencodefont{8r}{\fromafm{hardcovermedia-scriptina-r8a}}} \installfonts \installfamily{T1}{hardcovermedia-scriptina}{} \installfont% {hardcovermedia-scriptina-r8t} {hardcovermedia-scriptina-r8r,latin} {t1} {T1} {hardcovermedia-scriptina} {m} {n} {} \endinstallfonts \bye %%% in LaTeX I now can say \fontfamily{hardcovermedia-scriptina}\selectfont in order to get this font; in ConTeXt i use an appropriate typescript and \definetypeface. You can even use fontinst for TTFs. You only need to extract an AFM using ttf2afm. The above mentioned Philipp Lehman has written some really nice tutorials about using fontinst (CTAN:info/Type1fonts/fontinstallationguide.pdf) that demonstrate the power of fontinst, esp for expert fonts.
In the case of ttf2tex, you rename the files so that it can create the LaTeX .fd files. In theory, then, it could be extended to auto-create ConTeXt typescripts too.
The problem is, for example, how can one declare a bold-italic small-caps font in ConTeXT. AFAIK i can define \definefontsynonym[SerifBoldItalicCaps][AFont-BoldItalicCaps] but there seems no standard way to access it (\bfitsc or {\bf{\it{\sc...}}}) ConTeXt lacks a complete standard set of font attributes and how they have to be used. LaTeX has them defined, thus it is easier to create FDs than typescript. Even how to name typescript-files is nowhere defined. Jens