Hi all, I have 2 definitions in my document and every thing compiles until i add a third one, i get the following error: ! Undefined control sequence. <write> ... \twopassentry {\s!list }{\currentlist }{\currentlist :\noflistel... <inserted text> }\endwrite \immediatewriteutilitycommand ...ti {c \string #1} \stopitemgroup ...th =\zerocount \dolistreference \fi \iffirstlist \else \en... l.312 \stopitemize What does \stopitemize do here ? I use items with heads etc. but it comes later after my third definition, and the problem appears only after i add a third defintion. Hm ... Any help would be valuable. Thanks in advance. Dirar. PS What does l.312 mean.? I assume it is the line number. Is that right ?