Hans Hagen schrieb am 09.11.18 um 17:01:
- the new mixed column code has been around for even longer (and always was default on my machine) btu the old code is available as module
A big difference between the old columns environment and the new mixed columns code is that the new environment uses grid snapping by default which can result in blank lines in the output. Below is a simplified version of Henning problems which produces an blank line when you use bold text. \showboxes \starttext \startcolumns[balance=no] \snaptogrid[]\hbox{\setstrut\begstrut Ward\endstrut} \samplefile{ward} \snaptogrid[]\hbox{\bf\setstrut\begstrut Ward\endstrut} \samplefile{ward} \stopcolumns \stoptext Two simple ways to get rid of the blank line are 1. to disable the strut for the section or 2. to disable the grid snapping for the section. \showboxes \setuphead[section][before=,after=] \setuphead[section][style=bold] \define[1]\Sample {\begingroup \setuphead[section][#1] \section{Ward \doifsomething{#1}{\tttf [#1]}} \samplefile{ward}\par \endgroup} \starttext \startcolumns[balance=no] \Sample{} \Sample{style=} \Sample{strut=no} \Sample{grid=no} \stopcolumns \stoptext Wolfgang