Dear All I have been using fleurons in a couple of documents I have been producing by using the context commands \loadmapfile and \definesymbols of the fleurons I want to use, in each document. This is becoming a bit laborious so I though I could create a symb-*.tex file with all my fleurons defined in it which I could use in future documents. I had a look through 'Fonts in Context', and Section 12 Symbols and Glyphs described how to define the euro symbol which looked pretty straight forward. I also looked on the Wiki and reread Adam Lindsay email in reply to my earlier fleuron problem. So, suitably educated I wrote the following symbol-fle.tex file with a few fleurons defined and saved it in F:\isoimage\usr\local\context\tex\texmf-local\tex\context\base where other symb-*.tex filed are stored. % %symb-fle.tex % % \loadmapfile [texnansi-web-fleurons.map] \definefontsynonym [Fleurons] [texnansi-fleurons] \startsymbolset[Fleuron Beings] \definesymbol[Frog] [\getglyph{Fleurons}{\char44}] \definesymbol[SmallAngel] [\getglyph{Fleurons}{\char101}] \definesymbol[BigAngel] [\getglyph{Fleurons}{\char108}] \definesymbol[Mouse] [\getglyph{Fleurons}{\char129}] \stopsymbolset \input % % I then wrote a short test to show these fleurons but no success % % %symbolTest.tex % % \loadmapfile[texnansi-web-fleurons.map] \usesymbols[fle] \starttext \symbol[Fleurons] [Frog]%%%%%%%%%%%%%Result - No Frog fleuron only Frog \symbol[Fleurons] [SmallAngel]%%%%%%%Result - No SmallAngel fleuron only SmallAngel \symbol[Fleurons] [BigAngel]%%%%%%%%%Result - No BigAngel fleuron only BigAngel \symbol[Fleurons] [Mouse]%%%%%%%%%%%%Result - No Mouse fleuron only Mouse \stoptext % % The result is the text identifier of the fleurons. I must be missing something fundamental in these definitions. Any suggestions? Thanks Keith McKay Hamilton, Scotland -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.7.8/22 - Release Date: 17/06/2005