Procházka Lukáš Ing. mailto:LPr@pontex.cz 16. August 2017 um 12:11 Hello Hans,
thank you for implementation 'figures.getinfo()'; two points:
1. Code:
---- \startluacode
local n = "x:/Users/MMi/Akce/I-6_Krusovice.DSP-ZDS/Admin/Jednani/2017-07-07-SU-Rakovnik/ZJ.pdf"
local d = figures.getinfo(n) ... ----
prints (probably to-string converted) resulting table:
" close source > level 3, order 8, name 'd://Lukas/ConTeXt/Styles/PxLetter.sty' table={ ["request"]={ ["arguments"]=false, ["cache"]=false, ["color"]=false, ["controls"]=false, ["conversion"]=false, ["display"]=false, ["format"]=false, ["height"]=false, ["label"]=false, ["mask"]=false,
... }, ["status"]={ ... }, ["used"]={ ["colordepth"]=0, ["depth"]=0, ["format"]="pdf",
["height"]=55380991, ... }, } "
- Is it intend? Or residual debugging status?
2. Is there a Ctx built-in converter which would convert width and height (e.g. here: ["height"]=55380991) from "height units" to milimeters? \starttext
\startluacode local length = "55380991" context(number.topoints(length)) context.par() context(number.todimen(length,"pt")) \stopluacode \stoptext Wolfgang