On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Mari Voipio wrote:
luigi scarso wrote:
Maybe you can consider (under linux,I dont'know about windows) recode iconv
sometimes they are useful .
I have Cygwin installed to give me some command line tools and we already figured out iconv is probably a useful tool. Recode, on the other hand, doesn't seem to exist ("man recode" give 'No manual entry for recode' while 'man iconv' is very informative).
You don't need cygwin (though if you already have it installed, I would double check cygwin pacagkes, maybe you just need to install a new package). This is a nice collection of useful tools (= swiss-knife for poor windows users) that work natively or at leat they did when I last used Windows: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/unxutils/UnxUtils.zip Mojca