Am 17.11.2021 um 04:06 schrieb Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد via ntg-context <ntg-context@ntg.nl>:
Unfortunately - as pointed out on the wiki - modes cannot be nested.
Why would you need that? You know about \startnotmode and that you can use lists of modes? \startmode[short,long] Something that appears everywhere. \stopmode \startmode[long] % or \startnotmode[short] Something that’s only in the long version. \stopmode There are also language modes (\startmode[*en]) that might be handy with translations.
Furthermore, each mode is unique and there is apparently no inheritance/continuance.
Can you give an example for a use case?
What is needed is something like this
\startmode[abridged] \input knuth
\startmode[unabridged] \startblockquote \input ward \stopblockquote \stopmode
\input zapf \stopmode
That looks to me like flawed logic – why should content for the unabridged version appear within the abridged version? It might be a bit annoying, but you could end the previous mode before starting the next. And, as mentioned above, you can use \startmode with lists. HTH Hraban