Hi, Using MkIV and the latest(?) standalone version. Continuing "Context an excursion"! Thanks for your help, Alain 1) How to force line jump to avoid overfull \hbox, particularly with more or less narrow columns? 2) I did insert \showlayout just before \stoptext and I get 4 pages with the same information!!! 3) On page 77, I get an error: \defineparagraphs[city][n=2,before=,after=] \city Hasselt (Ov) \\ Overijssel \\ \city Hasselt (Li) \\ Limburg \\ \startpacked \city Hasselt (Ov) \\ The Netherlands \\ \city Hasselt (Li) \\ Belgium \\ \stoppacked ------------------error message ! Undefined control sequence. system > tex > error on line 868 in file travail.tex: Undefined control sequence ... 858 \blank 859 The affix is a leftover from the times that the Netherlands and 860 Belgium were one country under the reign of King Philip II of Spain. 861 \blank[2*big] 862 Hasselt in Belgium lies in the province of Limburg. One wonders if 863 the Belgian people write Hasselt (Li) on their letters. 864 865 Pour supprimer l'espace pour un bloc, il y a \type{\startpacked...\stoppacked} 866 867 \defineparagraphs[city][n=2,before=,after=] 868 >> \city Hasselt (Ov) \\ Overijssel \\ 869 \city Hasselt (Li) \\ Limburg \\ 870 \startpacked 871 \city Hasselt (Ov) \\ The Netherlands \\ 872 \city Hasselt (Li) \\ Belgium \\ 873 \stoppacked 874 875 876 877 878 \stopparagraphscell ->\typo_paragraphs_stop_cell \let \typo_paragraphs_stop_... \city ->\stopparagraphscell \startparagraphscell l.868 \city Hasselt (Ov) \\ Overijssel \\ ?