On 26.10.2010 15:31, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 26.10.2010 um 10:30 schrieb Stefan Müller:
Hi list,
is there a (preferably easy) way to reference line numbers inside a typing? Minimal (not working) example:
\setuptyping[numbering=line] \starttext In the following typing, \in{line}{}[line:intyping] is really interesting. \starttyping This line is so interesting. \stoptyping \stoptext
\setuptyping[numbering=line,escape=yes] \starttext In the following typing, \inline[line:intyping] is really interesting. \starttyping line 1 line 2 line 3/BTEX\someline[line:intyping]/ETEX line 4 \stoptyping \stoptext
One more question before wikifying: Is there a way to prevent the prefix "line"? I want to say something like "In lines 3 to 13". Thanks, Stefan