Am 15.06.2011 15:15, schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 15.06.2011 um 10:17 schrieb Hans Hagen:
Did you check the details.pdf manualal?
This won’t help because it’s ConTeXt’s fault.
This is a quick fix for strc-flt.mkiv but the leftmargin etc. keys are then ignored when the caption is placed in the margin.
%\def\locatefloatbox % {\alignstrutmode\zerocount % \shiftalignedline % {\floatparameter\c!leftmargin }{\floatparameter\c!rightmargin}% % {\floatparameter\c!innermargin}{\floatparameter\c!outermargin}% % \alignedline{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!middle}
\def\locatefloatbox {\alignstrutmode\zerocount \doifnotcommon{\floatcaptionparameter\c!location}{\v!outermargin,\v!innermargin,\v!leftmargin,\v!rightmargin} {\shiftalignedline {\floatparameter\c!leftmargin }{\floatparameter\c!rightmargin}% {\floatparameter\c!innermargin}{\floatparameter\c!outermargin}}% \alignedline{\floatparameter\c!location}\v!middle}
The reason why the caption disappears is that you put it in \everyrightofalignedline and the content is replaced with the rightmargin skip in the \shiftalignedline command.
Thank you Wolfgang, I'll try this as soon as I have access to my ConTeXt. Christoph