27 Jul
27 Jul
3:16 p.m.
Dne torek 27. julija 2010 ob 15:26:22 je Procházka Lukáš napisal(a):
I get simply "0", so why not use this for (wo)man in general :)
Hmmm, this could work. You could pronounce it simply as "O". "I" already represents the first person, so "O" shouldn't be too weird to represent the unisex third person, right? Also it sounds similar to "on" which can be used in French (e.g. "on parle"). Cheers, Matija -.-.- P.S. Both "homme" and "on" in French comes from the Latin "homo". -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 www: http://matija.suklje.name xmpp: matija.suklje@gabbler.org