Hi Michal and Hans, many thanks for your patch to fix multimedia objects in PDF and your extremely interesting and in-depth explanation about multimedia in PDF. Many thanks to Hans for the release of an updated latest with also updated documentation. Although I don’t read Czech, just out of curiosity, is your bachelor thesis available on the net, Michal? Thanks to theses.cz, I found https://is.muni.cz/th/t8qpp/DP_Vlasak_Michal_2015.pdf (only a name coincidence, I guess). Using your sample, I have two questions: \starttext \setupinteraction[state=start] \useexternalrendering[myvideo][video/mp4][video.mp4][embed=yes] \definerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow] [width=\textwidth, height=\textwidth] \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo] \stoptext Is there no way to have the video as an embedded file in the PDF document? (I mean, that the file is listed when the attachment panel is displayed.) The second question is addressed to Hans: would it be possible that \placerenderingwindow could have another option and text as in \framed? A workaround would be to add a layer, but too complex only for adding usage instructions for the media usage. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk