Hi Willi, Hi Marcin,
How do the system modes (*...-modes) work exactly? I managed to make \startmode[*interaction] ... \stopmode work, but what about the others "starred" modes?
Most of these modes are only set part of the time. For instance, the *sectionnumber mode is only sensible when it used from a macro that is called from within the processing of the section title's typesetting commands. This would for instance happen if you had \setuphead[section][command=\Mymacro] somewhere. This entire *sectionnumber system mode makes no sense at an other time. I hope that helps.
What are the possible parameters for the \setupoutput command?
To be a bit more precise (stuff on same line is an alias): dvipsone % dvi for processing by YandY's dvipsone dviwindo % dvi for viewing by dviwindo dvips % dvi for processing by dvips dviview % dvi for viewing by dviview pdftex,pdf % pdf for pdftex dvipdfm,dpm % dvi for subsequent use with dvipdfm dvipdfmx,dpx % dvi for subsequent use with dvipdfmx acrobat % dvi for subsequent distilling with acrobat xetex,xtx % xdv for XeTeX default is normally 'dvips' Greetings, Taco