Hi all, There is still room for some extra participants for the ConTeXt meeting in Bassenge, Belgium from Sept 20 to Sept 25. Despite the still somewhat lingering situation wrt COVID-19, we are now certain that the meeting can and will in fact take place in person. Hurrah! Even if we still have room by then, registration will close on Aug 22, because by that time we need to make final arrangements for T-shirt printing and catering. So if you are still on the fence about attending, do not wait too long! Also remember that it is possible for ConTeXt Group members to attend online-only for free. That is less than ideal because you cannot join us for a drink and a chat, but it gives you bragging rights for attending, and you will get a T-shirt as well ! (if you register before Aug 22) You can easily become a member of CG by filling in the form at https://group.contextgarden.net/register.shtml Besides being able to register for the online portion of the upcoming meeting, you will also receive the nicely printed ConTeXt journal, and additionally you will help the ConTeXt Group to do more for the community in the future. Even if you are not going to attend the online meeting, we think becoming a CG member is a great idea! More that fifty people have joined already! To see more details about the upcoming meeting, see the website at https://meeting.contextgarden.net/ In other news, there is now a provisional programme page: https://meeting.contextgarden.net/2021/programme.shtml I can't wait to see (some of) you in person in Bassenge! Best wishes, Taco — Taco Hoekwater E: taco@bittext.nl genderfluid (all pronouns)