Hi Marcin, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Marcin Borkowski
wrote: Thanks again... I tried to put some info on the wiki (as promised): http://wiki.contextgarden.net/A_Beginner's_Guide_to_Using_Fonts_in_Mark_IV However, I had serious problems with a few fonts. After skimming through type-otf.tex I thought these would work, but no - they don't... (See the above page for which fonts generate problems.) Also, please check whether the page I've written is correct, especially the last paragraph...
I have not seen your original post yet, so I am replying to Wolfgang's reply. It seems you have misunderstood the system slightly: the predefined typescripts are given in table 1.7 of co-typography.pdf, the tables in co-fonts.pdf are 'typescript building blocks', and those cannot be used directly, you have to write (at least) a \definetypeface line for those. Best wishes, Taco